الثلاثاء، 5 يونيو 2012

This was very interesting to read. It is interesting to see what other cultures think of as staples
Food in the United States is as diverse as the geography and the people that live there. Each region has its particular style of cooking or special dish, and each dish has a history that intertwines with both the geography and people.  When traveling through the United States, it is important to remember that just beneath the surface is actually an enormous variety of foods and traditions

Dinner is considered the main meal of the day, usually served after 5:00 p.m but before 10:30.  Breakfast and lunch are usually light and/or rushed during weekdays, but during the weekends or special occasions, breakfast can be a much more elaborate meal consisting of cereal, eggs, toast, pancakes, coffee, and/or fruit juice. Lunch is usually served around noon, and an American lunch menu almost always includes sandwiches, soups, french fries and more.  Full desserts (sometimes called "pudding" elsewhere) are typically only served after dinner, and become more elaborate for special occasions

Staple foods are foods that form the basis of cuisine and may be eaten at every meal. They are easy to grow or produce and offer affordability to the consumer. Staple foods such as wheat, milk, potatoes and eggs are eaten in quantities that dominate the diet and supply a majority of energy. Staple foods do not meet total nutritional requirements and should accompany a variety of foods for a healthy diet

Many Americans have the bad habit of eating on the go, especially in the car. Therefore, the drive-through fast food restaurant has become a standard of American culture.  It's known for unhealthy but tasty menu items.  Depending on the chain, you can get practically anything from a fast-food restaurant, including tacos, hamburgers, Chinese food,and salad.  Restaurants with drive-through windows are everywhere
There are many staple food :
Macaroni and cheese. 
Bacon and eggs. 
Peanut Butter and Jelly on toast. 
Potato Soup. 
Hamburger and french fries. 
Biscuits and franks
Chicken noodle soup ....

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